Undercover Safer Sex Visual Identity

Undercover Safer Sex Visual Identity

While the internet has given modern teens access to a wealth of safer-sex education information, many of them still face barriers to access when seeking the safer-sex products they need to put that knowledge into action. This includes a lack of funds or transportation, restrictive parenting, and sometimes just plain embarrassment around sexual health.

UnderCover reduces these barriers with a strategy that leverages a discreet web ordering system and distribution at public library checkouts to give teens a private and easy-to-access link to the products they need.

While the distribution strategy is discreet on the outside, inside the plain paper package is the real branding: pure fun and humour. Each category of item is branded with funny product category names and friendly illustrations that create a positive, supportive tone.


Studio // Sam Bullis Design    Recognition // Adobe Design Achievement Awards Semifinalist in Social Impact Design

Check out the website below:

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While the internet has given modern teens access to a wealth of safer-sex education information, many of them still face barriers to access when seeking the safer-sex products they need to put that knowledge into action. This includes a lack of funds or transportation, restrictive parenting, and sometimes just plain embarrassment around sexual health.

UnderCover reduces these barriers with a strategy that leverages a discreet web ordering system and distribution at public library checkouts to give teens a private and easy-to-access link to the products they need.

While the distribution strategy is discreet on the outside, inside the plain paper package is the real branding: pure fun and humour. Each category of item is branded with funny product category names and friendly illustrations that create a positive, supportive tone.

Check out the website below:

Studio // Sam Bullis Design
Recognition // Adobe Design Achievement Awards Semifinalist in Social Impact Design

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