We've got you covered.

Meet Chris.

Chris is a 16 year old interested in having sex, and is well-informed on how to do so in a healthy and safe way.

Unfortunately, there are barriers to accessing the safer-sex products Chris has learned about.

UnderCover provides safer-sex products using a system which integrates online ordering, clever packaging, and a distribution partnership with public libraries to reduce barriers to access and make teens like Chris safer.

Data shows that teens are more likely to use safer-sex products when they face fewer barriers like these:

Chris learned about UnderCover through a promotional campaign that uses blacklights and hidden messages to spread the word about the system.

UnderCover teams distribute promotional packs containing a small blacklight keychain and card with basic information about how to access the site.

This campaign spreads the word about the program through word-of-mouth: students are bound to become curious about why their classmates are all illuminating the promo card and suddenly drawing secret, UV-reactive messages on each other with their highlighters.

A mobile-friendly site allows for quick assembly of a custom safer-sex kit.

Selecting individual items provides an inclusive system that allows youth to assemble a kit that suits their orientations, anatomies, and preferences.

A mobile site allows use of the service to be separated from an app store account to ensure greater privacy.

Orders are linked to order numbers rather than identifiable personal information to ensure privacy.

The kit is assembled and then shipped to the library.

Chris can discreetly pick up the order from the library's hold section.

With self-checkout technology, teens can complete the entire order free from direct human interaction if they so choose.

The kit is plainly wrapped in plain kraft paper and stamped with a unique order number. Fortunately, inside the demure exterior wrappings is playfully illustrated packaging.

Privacy + Access = Higher use of safer-sex products and healthier teens.


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